Recycling Garments and Green Climate Fund
Mamunur Rahman, Founder Ela, underscored the importance of recycling garments and textile sector. Participating in discussion, he drew the attention of policy makers, noted climate change experts, private sector leaders and requested them to take into their consideration the recycling SMEs in different parts of the country, who are reusing the garments left-over or scraps. Mamunur pointed that our policy makers are avoiding the contribution of small business, who are doing innovation just because of their survival. Workshop on ‘Private Sectors’ Engagement in GCF: Opportunities and Challenges’ organized by the National Designated Authority (NDA) Secretariat, Economic Relations Division (ERD) Ministry of Finance, Govt. of Bangladesh in partnership with UNDP Bangladesh on July 11, 2018 at National Economic Council, External Relation Division, Planning Commission, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka.
Mamunur also requested the NDA, the government agency in charge of GCF, to develop the capacity of SMEs so they can qualify for the green fund. He informed the audience that SMEs in textile and garments sector have really good case to qualify for GCF completing with other countries. But having not enough knowledge to develop the project, they can’t apply for this global fund.